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Spirit of the woods

Sunday, June 30, 2013

221 B Baker Street

I will be able to check off one item from my bucket list today. I finally DID visit 221B Baker Street today, the most famous address in this world! Our original plan was to visit the tower bridge today but we got on the wrong tube. When we saw that the next station was "Baker Street", by no means could we not get down!

The house looked so familiar to me, like I almost knew what to expect! After Mr. Lestrade let us through the front door, we climbed 17 steps to go to their drawing room, Holmes' tobacco stuffed Persian slippers were there, his letters stuck by a knife on the mantle, his chemicals in one corner on a table, the bright polished silver coffee pot on which he could see the reflection of Dr. Watson examine Mortimer's walking stick, even the bullet pockmarked VR on the wall!

I have always imagined Sherlock Holmes like this
Then we went to see Homes' and Watson's bedrooms. Holmes was reading a book on bee keeping and it had a book mark in there. He had photographs of all those notorious criminals on his bedroom wall. there was also his box for makeup which at times came so handy! Dr. Watson's room was typical of a doctor with books on medicine and anatomy. There were his pictures on the wall, one was of him in Afghanistan.

Everything were in perfect order! It just looked like they were out for a walk and might be back any time now. They would come, leave their overcoats and hats and sit in the two comfortable chairs on either side of the fireplace. Then over a pipe or a drink they'll talk about the latest mystery that they are solving...

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